Terri Schiavo's case will definately set a precedence
Terri Schiavo's family now has to go through three police check points, which takes 15 minutes, before they can see Terri. A policeman stands guard by her bed. Judge Greer ordered that not even a wet Q-tip can be used to clean out her mouth, only a dry one. Not one drop of water is allowed.* The courts take their time, while Terri's life is being taken from her.
Doctors and nurses who have formerly examined or attended to Terri, testify that she could swallow, speak, move arms and legs at command and interact with them. One nurse said on Hannity and Colmes tonight that Terri would say words such as 'pain' and 'help me'. It's been five days since the feeding tube has been removed, and the judges continue to take their time.
Several of Terri's life-long friends swear she wouldn't say she'd never want help to stay alive, because of her well-known pro-life worldview. And yet she and her family are powerless to keep her alive. The decision rests in the hands of the judges.
Terri's case is an indicator of where we are heading as a nation. Will we continue down this road or take a turn?
With so much contradiction of interpretation of the law, and differing opinions on the ethics of Terri living or dying, where do you turn to for the right answers? This question demands a hard look at what you consider the bottom line for truth is.
Though some don't like it, the fact remains that our law and nation was formed and is based on the Judeo-Christian ethic. Therefore...what would Jesus say about this situation? How about - "Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me. For I was hungry, and you gave me meat, *I was thirsty, and you gave me drink..." Matthew 25:40-46.
© Sharon Hughes 2005
Related articles:
Starvation a painless death?
Extreme Media Bias in Schiavo Case
ABC News deceptive in Terri Schiavo poll?
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God is still a miracle worker. He is working a miracle in bringing the world together using Terri. By killing Terri I hope all involved understand that they are killing GOD who created them all.
Ms Hughes needs to do a little research on Dr. Hammesfahr. The good doctor is a hack that does not have a single peer reviewed publication in a scientific journal (go visit Pubmed at the National Library of Medicine and see for yourself). Moreover, Hammesfahr was nominated by his Congressman--who is ineligible to nominate by the Nobel Committee's rules and he likely has insufficient knowledge to recognize good science if it bit him in his rear.
Not surprisingly, spinmeister stooges in the rightwing media, notable Joe Scarborough and Sean Hannity pawned the self-promoting Dr. Hammesfahr of as an "expert" as well (see http://mediamatters.org/items/200503220009). This is par for the course for these two Republican propagandists as neither of them mind lying through their teeth as often as possible just as mosty conservative fascist Rethuglicans do on a regular basis in order to keep their sheep-like fundie nutjob followers "faithful".
Perhaps Ms. Hughes should consider changing her blog's name to "Gullible" instead of veritas as she certainly doesn't seem able to recognize "truth". Not surprising since the religious right has been getting played like a fiddle by the Republicans and have fallen for a fairy tale for two millenia.
I am writing you in reference to your article: Point to Ponder: Living Pluralistically?
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