Tuesday, March 29, 2005

OBITGATE - CBS Announces Terri's Death before She Dies!

According to fellow radio talk show host, Glenn Beck, CBS posted an article announcing Terri Schiavo's death on its News website BEFORE SHE DIED. Written by Christine Lagorio and posted on March 28th it said, "Surrounded by stuffed animals and medical equipment in her small hospice room in Pinellas Park, Fla., Theresa Marie Schindler Schiavo died.TK"

They, however, removed it within a day, but Glen Beck saw it and published it on his blogsite before it was removed.

Some of what the CBS article said was, "Terri Schiavo was locked in a battle with her own personal image as far back as anyone can tell. She was an overweight child who only gained pounds through adolescence, reaching at least 200lbs. by her senior year of high school. (what's the purpose?)

It goes on, "Close friends have been telling newspapers that Terri never excelled in school. She sometimes talked about becoming a veterinarian, but got barely passing grades while in Catholic school." (what's the point here?)

CBS also wrote, "Michael Schiavo, who was at the bedside of his wife Terri when she died, (how do we know? she hasn't died yet) told Larry King that he lives now with another woman with whom he has two children. "I can love more than one person," he told King. "Everybody can do that."

The rest of the article appears to vindicate Michael Schiavo's position in all that has occurred, including that she was bulimic and that that was the cause of her brain-damaged state.

Any news organization with class would focus on Terri's legacy and her fight for life, not whether she was overweight or made poor grades in school.

It all seems pretty clear that the liberal media, and in this case, CBS, stops at nothing for a story....even after Rather-Gate!

© Sharon Hughes 2005

Related Articles:
This story originally appeared on the CBS News website on Monday, March 28th at the following URL. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/03/28/national/main683633.shtml
And can be read as a PDF file at http://www.glennbeck.com/news/03-29-05/printable683.pdf

Send Comments


Anonymous said...

I totally agree this CBS obit was uncalled for. It was one-sided in support of Micheal Shiavo, and it was, frankly, rude. There was no point in attacking Terri in the way they did for "barely" getting passing grades in high school...plus, you'd think the main focus of the story was a woman with a lifelong eating disorder! It shows the contempt CBS and out outfits like it have the American people in general, and I thought it was disgusting.

Anonymous said...

The link to the PDF file is broken. Take the space out of it:
http://www.glennbeck.com/news/03-29- 05/printable683.pdf

The space is between the dash and 05, or:

Anonymous said...

This country has sunk so low for morels values, life, anything for a story no matter who you defame in the rush to make a headline.

Terri is a lady who was abused and abused very badly by your reporting, the Pres, Government high courts, and the biggest abuser was Michael her so called loyal adultery he cdid while being married to Terri.

This man is so desperate to keep the truth from the world he wants to hide his actions taken during his controlled
and not allowingthe parents in to be with their daughter.

I hope there is no thought to making a movie or a book written so he can abuse Terri and make out she is the vilian in this piacture of deceit.

No movie, No book,
We demand that the truth come out and tells the real story
as to what happened to Terri.

America we are failing our morel values and peoples rights. No one person should be allowed to control another persons right to life or die. Grant there was not written
statement that this is what Terri wanted. Its so Michael can get away with murder along with his murder layers, judges, Yes Governor of Texas is a fruad.

May Terry rest in peace and the hipacrits pay.

Anonymous said...

This country has sunk so low for morels values, life, anything for a story no matter who you defame in the rush to make a headline.

Terri is a lady who was abused and abused very badly by your reporting, the Pres, Government high courts, and the biggest abuser was Michael her so called loyal adultery he cdid while being married to Terri.

This man is so desperate to keep the truth from the world he wants to hide his actions taken during his controlled
and not allowingthe parents in to be with their daughter.

I hope there is no thought to making a movie or a book written so he can abuse Terri and make out she is the vilian in this piacture of deceit.

No movie, No book,
We demand that the truth come out and tells the real story
as to what happened to Terri.

America we are failing our morel values and peoples rights. No one person should be allowed to control another persons right to life or die. Grant there was not written
statement that this is what Terri wanted. Its so Michael can get away with murder along with his murder layers, judges, Yes Governor of Texas is a fruad.

May Terry rest in peace and the hipacrits pay.

Sharon Hughes said...

To this last post. You must have read my article wrong. I was reporting on CBS' rush to report. There is no way my article could have hurt Terri, to the contrary.
Thanks for reading!

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Hughes,

In response to your article, "CBS ANNOUNCES TERRI'S DEATH BEFORE SHE
DIES!" - http://www.newswithviews.com/Hughes/sharon11.htm

I stand as a liberal atheist who is just as appalled, if not more so
than the average Christian, by the horrifying event of Terri's 15 year
execution. This event was orchestrated by fascists posing as
conservatives. And if you think that sounds impossible in America,
you'd be terribly mistaken.

And yet today I saw in you another independent conservative journalist
who seems to think the media is "liberal".

If you do some simple research on who owns big media in this country,
you'll quickly find that every single major US media outlet is owned by
a far-right-wing NeoFascist posing as a conservative Republican. And
every major editor dares not step outside the guidelines set forth by
those owners, and those who do are summarily fired.

The NewSpeak term for these head cases is "NeoCons". Even moderate
conservatives can't stand these psychotic megalomaniacs. Only
religious fundamentalist conservatives and those who aren't paying
proper attention to current events are suckered in by their rhetoric,
and not all of them, either.

Until the US media is recognized for what it truly is, a snake set
against American values, both conservative and liberal, then we will
NEVER win against it. They are a mouthpiece for the fascist agenda,
and have stood against every single liberal value since George W. Bush
took office in 2000, and for many years before that. Even in those few
instances when they act like they're standing as liberals against
conservatives, the issue is being cleverly twisted by the NeoFascists
to manipulate conservatives into thinking the media is still liberal,
as it once was when it used to ask hard, honest questions of government

Why? This is all for the simple end goal of turning Americans against
each other. It's the classic "Divide and Conquer" tactic deployed in
the political realm.

Not all liberals think like the NeoFascists who have taken over the
ACLU and Air America. Some of us understand what we're seeing happen
to this nation. We are in serious trouble, far beyond what most people
realize, and only TRUE conservatives and TRUE liberals and TRUE
moderates working together can stand against the NeoFascists.

Please do some research on this before using the label of "liberal
media" again. As long as we remain blinfd to Reality, then Reality
will consume us, one and all.

Renegade Patriot

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Sharon. I hope you enjoyed my Frogs, Crabs, and Terri's Terrible Death.

Let's carefully analyze that vulgar CBS obit. For instance, the writer doubtlessly emphasized her teenage overweight and bulemia to make it just and justifiable that now she be starved and dehydrated. Witholding food and water must be not only what she asked for but actually inflicted onherself while alive. What better proof of her desire to die as so graciously reported by her dear husband!


Dr. MP Cosman, Esq.

Anonymous said...

Schiavo has a feeding tube removed. The Pope has a feeding tube inserted. All this around Easter. I can't help feeling there is a message in there somewhere.