Tuesday, August 16, 2005

NewsBusters' First Week - Rush Limbaugh Mentions on Show

The Media Research Center's new Super Blog, NewsBusters, had a great first week. Following are just a few highlights from the Editor, Greg Sheffield. It's definately a site to bookmark if you want to stay on top of the MSM liberal spin:


We had an eventful first week. After being around for only two days, Rush Limbaugh mentioned one of you, Noel Sheppard, on the air.

Limbaugh’s brother, David Limbaugh, also wrote an article for us last week.

The British newspaper The Observer mentioned NewsBusters and said it “looks set to become the most influential” site about media criticism. It was comparing us to MediaMatters.org.

Check it out. I think you'll like it.

Your can read my posts on NewsBusters here.


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