Monday, September 19, 2005

HOT OFF THE SHOW! Abortion & Racism

Is it Time for Roe vs. Wade to Go Away? So asked the San Francisco Chronicle shortly after the nomination of John Roberts for the Supreme Court, reporting that Democratic Party insiders are quietly wondering if abandoning abortion rights would win back white Catholics and evangelicals. David Brooks of the New York Times and Benjamin Wittes of the Washington Post both questioned if Roe vs. Wade's consequences haven't been too high a price to pay on "democracy, public discourse and even paradoxically, on abortion rights." Who would have ever thought we'd see the Left asking such questions?

For those who believe this issue is bigger than about winning elections, the real question should be, "What has been the cost to our culture, and in lives?" My show today with Fr. Michael Reilly on "Aborting Black America" talks about the racist roots of Planned Parenthood, which few are willing to talk about. (The Dawn Patrol has a great article on this) Some of what Fr. Reilly brought out is shocking!

By the way, did you know that Judge and Mrs. John Roberts were unable to conceive, but in their own words were, "blessed to be able to adobt a couple of adorable young kids"? Also, Mrs. Roberts served as Executive Vice President of the Washington DC organization, Feminists for Life.

Hear today's show (See 9/19/05)


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