Friday, September 23, 2005

HOT OFF THE SHOW! Gaza Update - Deporting Jews a Success?

Hamas poster of rifle and the Koran with the words: "With these two together the victory has been achieved."

Now that Jews have been completely evacuated from the Gaza Strip, and the celebrations of the Palestinians took place what's it like in Gaza now?

For one thing, it's been a month and the majority of the deported Jews have yet to receive the promised compensation from their government, and are still living in tent cities. This compensation is for their homes and property they had to leave behind, and need in order to re-establish their lives again. Not to mention jobs, businesses, etc. I talked about this in detail on today's show. This is not okay! Imagine if it were you.

Then, as I'm sure you read, the Palestinian authorities had trouble keeping 'their new borders' secure, with their own crossing back and forth into numbers into Egypt. And the latest, Hamas (muslims) killed at least 15 Palestinians (muslims) in a blast during a parade, when a truck carrying gunmen and home-made weapons blew up.

Will law and order and peace come to Gaza and Israel now fully occupied by Palestinians? I don't think so.

Hear today's show (See 9/23/05)


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