Friday, October 28, 2005

HOT OFF THE SHOW! Teen Witches?

Silver Ravenwolf's book, "Teen Witch", is the real deal. It contains material on Wicca to "give anyone a good start to understanding the craft", designed specifically for teens, providing "a long list of follow-up material for anyone who feels that witchcraft might be the path he or she wants to follow."

One reviewer said of the book, "Come on, you know you'd look glamorous and powerful in black...that lighting candles and calling spirits would give you an aura of mystery...that life would be better if only you could turn your history teacher into a jiggling mound of orange (or maybe lime) Jell-O..."

Thanks for "Buffy the Vampire" and "Charmed" is it any wonder an increasing number teens are not just dabbling in witchcraft but joining WICCA. Our show on October 28th will talk about this.

If you missed WOMANTalk today with Catherine Sanders, author of "Wicca's Charm" and Audrey Russo you can still listen to it online.

See more on WOMANTalk Blog HERE.

Hear the show (See 10/28/05)


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