Sunday, October 09, 2005

Sunday's Point to Ponder: Tragic Disasters Increasing

Today, Pakistanis dug with their hands in an effort to find school children in the debris of a collapsed school where they were heard crying after a 7.7 earthquake killed over 20,000 in South Asia. Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf called yesterday's earthquake 'the country’s worst on record' and appealed for help, especially cargo helicopters to reach remote areas. President Bush said today that the United States is sending financial aid and eight helicopters.

Pat Robertson and Hal Lindsey believe recent world disasters point to 'end times'.

Whether this tradegy or hurricanes Katrina & Rita and other recent natural disasters are the ones referred to in the Bible as signaling end times or not, one thing is for sure...they are causing people to question 'what's going on'? And while it is a time to lend aid and give financially to relief efforts, it's also a time for personal reflection on what's really important in life.

When tradegies like these hit, wiping away lives, and life's possessions of those who survive, it brings home the truth that 'naked we came into the world, and naked we leave.' We take nothing with us into eternity, therefore, we better make sure we are not spending our lives on things that don't last. What lasts? Character & relationships. Of course, where we spend eternity will determine who we will spend it with.

Looking for Anwers? Billy Graham


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