Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Election Returns - Where were the Conservatives?

Election Returns...that's right...what we vote for comes back to
(haunt?) us. As a Californian I'm pretty upset right now. At midnight with 60% of the precincts inNot one of the measures that should have gotten a "YES" vote did (73 - 77). ESPECIALLY 73 which would have required parents to be notified if their daughter was planning an abortion. Over 50% of Californians voted NO on this one. huh? Parents now don't think it's their business to know what's going on with their teenager? No, they bought into the lie that teens need 'confidentiality' when it comes to parents knowing, "otherwise they won't go to the counselors and abortionists for help."

I have to ask...where were all the conservatives and Christians in this election here in California? Not in the voting booth, that's evident. If they were 73 would have passed.

But that's not all. In San Francisco a bill, Prop H, banning handguns was passed by 57%. Now, only police can have guns. Everyone else will have to turn them in... by April. And Prop 1 "College not Combat" preventing military recruiters access to schools otherwise schools we go again...lose their federal funding, passed.

At least Texas banned same sex marriage with 74% of the vote.

The liberals are gleeful with all their 'victories'...but it's ONLY because conservative, pro-family could-have-voteds stayed home. The numbers are there even with voter fraud and the like. Prop 22 proved that. We haven't all moved away...yet.


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