Wednesday, November 23, 2005

HOT OFF THE SHOW! Messing with Thanksgiving

If messing with Christmas isn't enough to deal with, Americans also have to deal with those messing with the historical record of Thanksgiving, as well as the teaching about it in schools.

Thanksgiving has fallen into politically-correct disrepute. Just visit any major bookstore (or your child's school textbook) and after reading the revisionists' view of this American holiday, if you didn't know better, you’d think the Pilgrims were atheists, that they came to America for economic reasons, and that Thanksgiving was designed to thank the Indians. How can we be sure what the truth is, and hold on to the real history of Thanksgiving? Original Documents! What the Pilgrims said and did, what the Founding Fathers decreed, et al, vs. interpretations and stories about.

William Federer, a modern historian and our guest today on this subject, has written several books documenting history in easy reference form. I highly recommend them. Remember, revisionists write for a particular agenda and political worldview. They 'revise' the historical record.

Hear the show (See 11/23/05)


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