Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Will someone please tell me ...

What's Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General, doing working with the defense team of Saddam Hussein?

Drives me crazy!

After meeting with Saddam for an hour Clark said he "has been in total isolation. He hasn't seen a member of his family, talked to a member of his family, met with a lawyer or met with friends he has known before." But was in "extremely good spirits to see people he knew that he could talk to that he hadn't seen in a couple of years...His mind was as clear and as sharp as ever."

Clark also said it was "extremely difficult" to assure fairness in the trial "because the passions in the country are at a fever pitch."

Does this sound like sympathy to anyone?

Here's how Saddam acted in court: after entering and giving the standard Muslim greeting: “Peace be upon you” as reported by Reuters "he moved to take control of the proceedings, launching a tirade against the chief judge because his guards had handcuffed him and taken his pencil and paper. The former president raised his voice. He was stern. Television footage of the proceedings broke away from the outbursts of a man well known for keeping his enemies guessing." Read more here.

Whoever said, "History must be burned into the imagination before it will be received by reason," certainly got it right. How much more 'history' will we have to suffer before we get it right?


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