Found this graphic at FreeRepublic: ACLU: Anti-Christian Lawyers Union, "Jihad with a Law Degree"
Too much reporting about the war on Christmas this year for you? Liberals think so. But that's their style, ie 'there's no reason to go to war against Iraq' et al. As Rep. John Murtha said, "I made a mistake when I voted for the war." Whether it's a real war of arms or a war of philosophy & values, when you're in a battle you stay on the field until it's won, otherwise you could be guilty of being AWOL.
The anti-Christmas-ACLU-crowd is not about to turn and run in their fight against Christmas. There are two ways to beat them: 1) encourage/persuade those (schools, city halls, stores) they have or are intimidating to not give in to their PC threats and to go with the majority 2) win the cases that are brought to courtrooms.
The ACLU originally 'fought' their battles through protesting, then the founder Roger Baldwin, avowed communist, realized he could win more in l court case than in all their other efforts. That's when they shifted their activism to lawsuits. It is worth researching to see how many judges today are sympathetic or associated in any way with the ACLU. For instance, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Reinhardt, who ruled 'under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance is unconstitutional, and most recently that parents do not have the exclusive right to information given to their children in sexual matters, is married to Ramona Ripston, the executive director of the ACLU in Southern Calif.
We re-aired my show about this from last Christmas on the show today so we could see the inroads that have been made in just one year. That is why the war on Christmas is more intense this year. You can still hear the show online...

Hear the show (See 11/30/05)
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