Sunday, January 08, 2006

Preview: The Battle For and Against Alito Begins

Judge Samuel Alito will begin the first day of his Senate Hearings at breakfast with the President, and then into, what some think will be, the lion's den.

Some think Samuel Alito will be confirmed with little incident.

Others say he faces a tough battle.

Some are working hard to see that he isn't confirmed, period.

Such as Gay activists who are pushing for gay-related questions at the Senate hearings,
and of course, NOW, the National Organization for Womenand Planned Parenthood of America.

But the majority of Americans favor his appointment.

And religious conservatives are rallying to his support, such as at Family Research Council's Justice Sunday III held yesterday.

WOMANTalk's contributing writer, Stacy Harp, did a great job covering the FRC event via live blogging in Philadelphia, including pictures like the one of protestors below,

Some young Yale students kicked off a nationwide campaign to organize law campuses against Alito, so far 20 schools have signed on. But the anti-Alito group doesn't speak for all the students at Yale.

However, a group of over 500 law professors are collectively standing against Alito's nomination.

And while Senator Ted Kennedy
is being loyal to his standard position against anything that is Bush-friendly, such as this conservative U.S. Supreme Court nominee, and New York's Charles Schumer warned that if Alito continuously refuses to answer questions on abortion, the odds of a filibuster would "absolutely" go up.filmaker, Dean Augustin, endorses Alito.

All of this by all of these, and thousands of other activists and organizations, basically fighting to persuade 12 Senators in their vote, on what, Senator Arlen Spector, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, called 'the most important thing next to the war.'


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