Friday, February 24, 2006

Harvard President Quits and Yale Holds Sex Week

This week two of America's 'top' universities made the headlines:

Harvard's President quit. The former member of Clinton's administration said he couldn't work with Harvard's faculty. FOX News had a segment on this yesterday reporting in essence that for this liberal university, this liberal president was not liberal enough! The main problems were with the Arts & Sciences Dept.

Here's the first paragraph of his resignation letter:

"President Lawrence H. Summers
February 21, 2006

Dear Members of the Harvard Community,

I have notified the Harvard Corporation that I will resign as President of the University as of June 30, 2006. Working closely with all parts of the Harvard community, and especially with our remarkable students, has been one of the great joys of my professional life. However, I have reluctantly concluded that the rifts between me and segments of the Arts and Sciences faculty make it infeasible for me to advance the agenda of renewal that I see as crucial to Harvard's future. I believe, therefore, that it is best for the University to have new leadership." Read it all here.

Yale held sex toy classes. A middle-aged saleswoman demonstrated sex toys at the biennual Sex Week at Yale, that the Boston Globe reports:
"...has become one of the most provocative campus events in the country. 'I want you to close your eyes,' Patty Brisben playfully instructs a young man in a pink polo shirt as she rubs scented lotion into his forearm and, to raucous laughter, reaches for an electric toy and a glove.'

Organizers say Sex Week gets students talking about sex in a way that's more relevant than middle-school film strips, more honest than movies and television and more fun than requisite college health lectures.

'To get people's attention, we do have to do things a little risque and a little different than other sex education programs,' said junior Dain Lewis, who was inspired to direct Sex Week 2006 after attending the 2004 event.

Yale's event, which ends Saturday, includes lectures from dating specialists, a sex therapist and a discussion of homosexuality with a former Catholic priest. More provocative sessions include a panel of porn stars and stripping lessons from a Playboy Channel hostess."

Are our universities in trouble? Well......yes......and it goes beyond liberal Presidents and these kinds of 'sex classes'.

How about former felons and 'slave' cult leaders as professors? David Horowitz talks about 101 professors in his new book, The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America, whose backgrounds and mentalities are so shocking there aren't words...except to say...get the book and read for yourself.


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