Today is Dr. James Dobson's birthday. And he turned 70 years old. You'd never know it by looking at him or all he does. Jim Daly says of Focus on the Family's Founder, "A lot of people at that age are retiring or playing golf, but Dr. Dobson's still working 12 hour days, using that energy for the Kingdom. And it's a blessing to the staff to know that."
Dr. Dobson's radio show today featured humorous greetings from a number of friends including Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Franklin Graham, Chuck Colson, Bill Gaither and many others. You can hear it here. http://www.family.org/fmedia/broadcast/a0040162.cfm
His was one radio show I listened to all the time when I was raising our sons. He was terrific then and is terrific now.

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