Tal Brooke, President of Spiritual Counterfeits Project out of Berkeley, author of numerous books, son of a diplomat, and former right-hand man for the 'miracle-working' guru, Sai Baba, (Tal's story of how he left the guru to become a Christian is fascinating), has been on the show several times. Since June 21st is 'summer soltice' we re-aired the program we did with him on "The Burning Man" and modern day paganism.
Tal is serious business when it comes to the subject, having spoken at Oxford and the like. I first met Tal years ago and invited him to speak to a group on his book, One World. I recommend his and SCP's work, and, of course, today's show.

Latest journal is on Opus Dei & the Da Vinci Code.

Here are the Follow the Facts links on today's show, specifically on The Burning Man.

Hear the show (See 6/21/06)
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