Wednesday, June 06, 2007

HOT OFF THE SHOW! - Is it Amnesty or Not?

Opponents say the Illegal Immigration Reform bill is Amnesty. The President says it's not. Well, is it, or isn't it?

"More than a third of the visas examined by investigators were based on fraudulent information"
Here's some of what I talked about on the show on Tuesday and Wednesday on the issue:

-SF Mayor Gavin Newsom, as we reported two weeks ago pledged to maintain San Francisco as a sanctuary for immigrants and do everything he can to discourage federal authorities from conducting immigration raids. While he can't stop authorities from making arrests, Newsom said that no San Francisco employee will help with immigration enforcement.
“I will not allow any of my department heads or anyone associated with this city to cooperate in any way shape or form with these raids. We are a sanctuary city, make no mistake about it.” - Gavin Newsom
- We also reported about a special visa program that allows churches to bring thousands of foreign religious workers into the country each year...that it is riddled with fraud, as found in an investigation by the Department of Homeland Security...numerous instances in which groups in the United States falsely claimed to be churches, and visa applicants lied about their religious vocations to get into the country. More than a third of the visas examined by investigators were based on fraudulent information. A report on the investigation said that instances of fraud were particularly high among applicants from guessed it...Muslim countries.

- There are 14 amendments to be voted on in the next two days and aides to Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., said that there could be as many as 20 more changes suggested before they call for a vote on final passage.

I wrote about the bottom line on the illegal immigration issue 4 years ago...still makes sense to me. See It's Pretty Basic here.

Hear the show (See 6/6/07)


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