Thursday, September 06, 2007

Last Nights GOP Presidential Debate - Huckabee vs. Paul

Last night's FOX News debate was the best GOP one so far in my view. Many of the candidates seemed to articulate their positions on the issues better, but perhaps none so better than in the exchange between Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee on the war.

Paul voicing his position against the war, bemoaning the GOP's recent election losses, and Huckabee stepping up to the plate and taking issue with Paul saying when we are at war, regardless of how we got there, we cannot be divided, but rather need to be "one nation under God - the United States - not the divided states" of America. That honor was more important than the Republican Party's success.

Powerful. You can see it here.

And see a video overview of the debate here.

See excerpts of the debate here.

Plus Fred Thompson's announcement here on Jay Leno show and at his website here.

Q: Have you settled on a candidate yet?


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