Thursday, October 11, 2007

Good News: Bush Funnels Funds away from UN Population Fund

President Bush transferred $34 million that Congress had allocated for the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) to the "Child Survival and Health Programs Fund."

The (UNFPA) is notorius for supporting the one-child policy in China that forcibly aborts and fines women to choose to have more than one child.

According to Steven Mosher widely recognized as one of the world's leading authorities on the population question says about the UPFPA:
"The problem with what the United Nations Population Fund does is this: First of all, it misrepresents what it is about. This is the United Nations Population Fund, after all. It is not the United Nations Maternal Health Fund, it is not the United Nations Pre-Natal Care Fund. It is an organization that was set up in 1968 for the purpose of reducing fertility rates around the world, and over the past three-and-a-half decades it has not deviated from that purpose.The United Nations Population Fund would like to see abortion legalized worldwide, including in the 114 countries where there are significant restrictions placed on abortion, and it works to that end. Now it has occasionally made clear in documents its own pro-abortion stance, but it likes to work with affiliates. It likes to affiliate with other groups like the International Planned Parenthood Federation, which has joint projects with the UNFPA in different parts of the world, which then carry water on the abortion issue so that the UNFPA can avoid doing heavy lifting. But make no mistake about the fact that this is an organization that is devoted to aborting and sterilizing and contracepting as many women as possible. "

Thank you, Mr. President.


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