Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Real Racism of Environmentalism

We talked about this on Monday's show:

While some debate if America is too racist to elect Barack Obama (or to sexist to elect Hillary Clinton such as Gloria Steinem), I would like to point out a form of real racism few are talking about: Letting Africans die because of radical environmentalist white idealogues' activism.

Paul Driessen, Senior Policy Advisor for the Congress of Racial Equality and former environmental policy advocate, and author of "Eco-Imperialism - Green Power, Black Death" has talked about this on our radio show several times. He says what few are courageous and willing enough to talk about -- the very real racism of environmentalism.

Did you know that in 2004 alone malaria took the lives of more African children than any other infectious disease, and according to UNICEF - three times more HIV/AIDS? How about that malaria infects 400 million people in sub-Saharan Africa and kills up to 2 million (half of them children) every year? Why? because of global environmental laws that prohibit the use of DDT spraying.

Paul Driessen points out in one of his articles:

“From colonial times until the 1940s, malaria was the American disease,” says Dr. Robert Desowitz, professor of tropical medicine at the University of North Carolina. At the dawn of the twentieth century, it thrived from New York to Florida, from North Carolina to California. Up to 7 million Americans were stricken by it every year until the mid-1920s, and 3,900 died in 1936. For centuries, it struck down people of all ages in England, Holland, Italy and other parts of Europe. But by the early 1950s, it was gone, and all but forgotten. How was this possible? We used DDT, window screens and other measures to gradually eradicate the malaria parasite from its human and insect hosts. Today, we still spray pesticides (mostly by airplanes) to control mosquitoes and the West Nile virus that some carry. But we apply a vastly different standard when it comes to poor developing countries that are still wracked by malaria."

Driessen also mentions that the European Union, World Health Organization, World Bank, UNICEF and environmental groups like Greenpeace, and others are on the forefront of preventing the most malaria-ridden nations from using the same insecticides that eradicated the disease here in America. More on Driessen here.

This begs the question: Why are the voices of human rights groups and churches silent about this 'subtle' form of racism, and human-rights abuse? You tell me.
Racism must be eradicated wherever it is found!

You can do something about this: For $10 you can buy a net to save a child Here.

Hear the show online now (See 1/14/08)


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