Monday, February 18, 2008

Obama: Rock Star for President?

Glenn Beck likened Barack Obama to a rock star given all the women who are fainting at his rallies.

WorldNetDaily called Barack Obama rallies - a traveling salvation show – campaign rallies and speeches that seem like the secular counterpart of tent-meeting revivals and evangelistic sermons common in the U.S. a century ago. And, in apparent similarity to the religious enthusiasm of that bygone era, some of those coming to hear the Democrat presidential candidate "preach" his message are fainting as he speaks.

A video compilation by Breitbart.TV shows Obama on several occasions breaking off his speeches to address someone who has collapsed, usually close to the stage.

Some are suggesting that these faintings are planned...more fakery than fanaticism.

This is not an unusual experience. People have fainted at Hillary rallies, etc. Call it fatigue, heat, excitement, whatever.

But what is different with Obama is his calling attention to the fainters, over and over again.

What do you think?


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