Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Obama Leaves His Controversial Church over Pfleger

By now you've heard that Barack Obama and his family have chosen to leave their controversial church, after a video tape of a recent controversial sermon given by a guest speaker at the Trinity United Church of Christ was released to the public.
In this sermon, a Chicago Catholic priest, Michael Pfleger, said Hillary Clinton believed she would win 'cause she's white,' and thought that 'a black man was stealing my show.' Pfleger mocked Hillary Clinton with exaggerated sobs because she thought being white entitled her to the Democrat nomination for president.

What Pfleger said:

"We must be honest enough to expose white entitlement and supremacy wherever it raises its head...when Hillary was crying, and people said that was put on, I really don't believe it was put on. I really believe that she just always thought, 'This is mine. I'm Bill's wife. I'm white. And this is mine. I just got to get up and step into the plate.'And then out of nowhere came, hey, I'm Barack Obama. And she said, 'Oh damn, where did you come from? I'm white. I'm entitled. There's a black man stealing my show.'"

"Honestly now, to address the one who says, 'Don't hold me responsible for what my ancestors did.' But you have enjoyed the benefits of what your ancestors did ... and unless you are ready to give up the benefits, throw away your 401 fund, throw away your trust fund, throw away all the monies you put away into the company you walked into because your daddy and grand daddy. ..."

"Unless you are willing to give up the benefits then you must be responsible for what was done in your generation, because you are the beneficiaries of this insurance policy."

Obama's new pastor, Rev. Otis Moss III, who took the place of Rev.
Wright after he retired recently, called Pfleger a "brother beloved, he is a preacher par-excellence, he is a prophetic powerful pulpiteer." And after Pfleger's sermon about Obama's opponent, Moss thanked Pfleger repeatedly.

Pfleger, who is a regular guest at Trinity church, practices black liberation theology, the same as Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the Trinity United Church of Christ, whose controversial sermons have continued to raise questions about Obama's discernment and beliefs.

Prior to this most recent controversy, Obama said he would retain his membership in Trinity under Moss, whom he called a "wonderful young pastor." However, since this latest incident, his campaign has removed from the "Faith" section of their website an endorsement by Pfleger who has represented Obama at various church gatherings. (However, an archived version can be viewed here: Link

Obama has now denounced Pfleger saying:

“As I have traveled this country, I've been impressed not by what divides us, but by all that that unites us. That is why I am deeply disappointed in Father Pfleger's divisive, backward-looking rhetoric, which doesn't reflect the country I see or the desire of people across America to come together in common cause."

But questions continue to arise as to Obama's ability to discern (surely he has been aware of the controversial statements made by Pfleger in the past, and as alluded to in his apology) and his own personal beliefs in regards to the black liberation
theology teachings of his church.

These are good questions that need to be answered before the Democrat primary and, if Obama wins that, certainly before the November election.

David Brody has more:

Obama Leaves Controversial Church - The Brody File: CBN News

HotAir says Pfleger hates America just like Jeremiah Wright does.

"How many coincidences can people buy about Barack Obama’s circle of friends? First we have Jeremiah Wright sermonizing that God should “damn America”. Next, we find out that Obama worked with and for William Ayers, the unrepentant domestic terrorist, who believes along with his wife Bernadine Dohrn that America is a “monster”. Now another member of his Chicago circle. Father Michael Pfleger, thinks that “America is the greatest sin against God”

See that video here. Whew!


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