Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Growing Anti-People Sentiment

My guest on Wed. show talked about the Growing Anti-People Sentiment which has been spawned by the 'myth of overpopulation.' Steven Mosher, Author & President of Population Research Institute, gave some incredible information about the lies of overpopulation and how they have spawned not only an anti-people sentiment around the world, but has made the way for crazy things like Spain’s unprecedented vote to extend “human rights” to aped giving animals more legal rights than unborn children.

He gave the facts about the 'death of Europe' which is building more graveyards than schoolyards; burying more people than giving birth.

Plus we talked about how Planned Parenthood and UN groups which have worked to get 'family planning' programs in thrid-world countries has spawned increased deaths from preventable diseases as government agencies in those countries shift focus from fighting disease to preventing births.

Unbelievable information that will open your eyes to the truth that is covered up in the name of population control for the good of the environment, to curtail poverty, etc.

You can hear Part 1 with Steven Mosher online now at the link below.

Hear today's show online now (See 7/23/08)


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