Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Obama Ashamed of America like his Wife?

Can we just say it like it is?

Not only did he not want to wear a flag lapel pin, and fail to place his hand over his heart, but the latest now is that Obama is critical that Americans 'only speak one language...

No matter what kind of damage control comes out of the campaign for this and other 'mis-statements', Obama is now on the record as joining his wife in stating that he is ashamed (not proud) of America.

Remember what she said?

Instead of worrying about immigrants learning English, he told an audience, America should be teaching its children Spanish.
"It’s embarrassing when Europeans come over here, they all speak English, they speak French, they speak German. And then we go over to Europe and all we can say is merci beaucoup."

English-First proponents are not happy about this.

And who can forget his 'former pastor's' attitude?

Read more at Hot Air

So, is this the man America will be proud to have as president?

Not, this American.


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