Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Why Christians Should Be Politically Involved

**Silence never speaks -- and God gave you a voice**

"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible." —George Washington

Why should Christians be politically involved? For the same reason every American shoudl be.

Did you know?
There are over 20 million California citizens eligible to vote, but not all are registered to vote, and that of those who are, only 52% actually vote on Election Day?

Four million Christians did not vote in the last election
You can help a large number of those who “sit on the sidelines” to register to vote, and to VOTE in this upcoming election. Encouraging Christians to vote in November may well mean the difference between protecting or not protecting innocent human lives, marriage and the family, and our religious freedom.

You must register or re-register to vote if
You’ve moved, become a citizen, become of age, or want to change party affiliations. (You can register online via our Election Center page at It’s very simple! And you can forward the link to family and friends to encourage them to register to vote).

Does your vote make a difference?
Many people question whether their vote makes a difference. The closeness of the Florida 2000 election, which by most re-counts was won by a margin of less then 500 votes of over 6 million votes cast, emphasizes the importance of the active participation of every citizen and every vote. Only 55 percent of the voting-age population voted, and a lot of them were pro-family people. This election is going to be a very tight race, and with history showing some elections are won by only one vote per precinct, your vote for pro-family candidates is vital.

Some reasons people give for not voting
Bad weather, transportation problems, inconvenient, forgot, didn’t like the candidates, out of town, not interested, illness, and 20% said they were too busy! This is not only disappointing, but poor stewardship! The right to vote is arguably one of the most important rights of citizenship we have.

Don’t be counted among those who choose to stay home this election! Remember, if you don’t vote you really have no right to complain. If you value freedom you will vote!


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