Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Israel's next Prime Minister Needs to be Pro-Israel!

On yesterday's show: The Largest Israel-Focused Event in History with Myles Weiss. Sunday was the annual Day of Prayer for the Peace of Jerusalem, when more than 200,000 churches in over 175 nations prayed for Israel. Why such huge numbers this year?

Israel's next Prime Minister, now that Ehud Olmert officially resigned, is slated to be who is now leading the Kadima party, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, and who has been appointed by President Shimon Peres to attempt to form a multi-party coalition.

Will she be good for Israel? If she becomes the next PM Israel will remain under the Kadima party, which means the same policies and worldview of Olmert.

If Livni cannot successfully form a coalition a general election will occur, after the first of the year in 2009. Olmert will remain as PM until the new government is confirmed.

The other front-runner in a general election is opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu (my favorite) of the Likud party and Ehud Barak of Labor.

With the impending Iranian threat and talks of more land concessions including Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem, Israel needs a pro-Israel leader!

Hear today's show online now (See 10/6/08)


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