Monday, March 08, 2010

Was the Pentagon Shooter a Muslim?

As you know, last Thursday John Bedell walked into the Pentagon Metro station opened fire on security police, wounding two. The 36 year old drove across country from California and went on a shooting spree outside the Pentagon.

Why? What is known about this man is that he was a Bush-hating, pot-smoking, registered democrat, 9/11 'Truther', who was disillusioned with the government.

Was he a radical Muslim? Although officials have said he did not have any suspected links to terrorist groups, it was discovered over the weekend that Bedell used the Arabic term "inshallah" or "God willing," in Arabic on several internet postings.

And Creeping Sharia reported, "When the initial report of the Pentagon shooting from ABC appeared, it noted that one of the officers heard the shooter utter something before opening fire, but what he said was unclear. Most reports now simply state he did not say a word. Why the change? What might he have said?

"A Twitter post revealed that John Patrick Bedell had an account on SourceForge containing "Jihad code." Looking at the account of jpbedell - he used the Arabic term "inshallah" or "God willing," using Arabic font - "إن شاء الله" - on more than one page. It's used again in his Open Insurgent Manifesto description."

Bedell's parents had warned police that he was missing and might have a gun. they were right.

See Video of Bedell "Wanted smaller government."

We talked about this on today's show, along with more information on Rosa Brooks, Pres. Obama's "CZAR" appointment to the Pentagon.

We talked about this on today's show, along with more information on Rosa Brooks, Pres. Obama's "CZAR" appointment to the Pentagon.

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