Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Today's Top News: New Pope & Bolton

Sitting down with a cup of coffee to catch the latest news on FOX after recording our show this morning, I watched as Senate Foreign Relations Committee members got strong with words (Biden, Kerry and Boxer)and then delayed their vote on John Bolton for Ambassador to the UN. It was a couple of Republican members of the committee who turned the tide when they agreed with Democrat members to delay. Senator George Voinovich, R-Ohio, said. "I've heard enough today that I don't feel comfortable about voting for Mr. Bolton." What they heard were allegations that Bolton intimidated and fired intelligence analysts who disagreed with him or wouldn't do what he wanted. Of course, the liberals don't want him in because of his anti-UN/globalist mentality. Whether it's Bolton or another, since we're not going to get out of the UN any time soon, I vote for someone who has their eyes wide open about the UN! This will certainly continue to be interesting to watch.

Even before the ink was dry on the newspaper announcing the new Pope the criticisms kicked in. One liberal blog headlined, "With the Election of Cardinal Ratzinger to the Papacy, Cardinals Are Sailing the Ship Over a Cliff". And of course, the NY Times et al headed the pack. The labeling intensifies. What they won't tell you is that the new Pope was a moderate/liberal in the '60s but came to mistrust the left, saying that time turned into "a radical attack on human freedom and dignity, a deep threat to all that is human." When addressing fellow cardinals before the conclave began this week he said, "We are moving toward a dictatorship of relativism...that recognizes nothing definite and leaves only one's own ego and one's own desires as the final measure." He said the world has gone "from one extreme to the other: from Marxism to liberalism, up to libertinism; from collectivism to radical individualism; from atheism to a vague religious mysticism; from agnosticism to syncretism and on and on." I like these words. But these are not the kind of words liberals want to hear. This too will be very interesting to watch.

© Sharon Hughes 2005

Find out what the new Pope believes


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