Friday, September 10, 2004

Gore Criticizes Bush's Faith

I remember years ago seeing Al Gore on television promoting his book, Earth in the Balance - Ecology and the Human Spirit, and Tipper talking about her concern of the effects rock and roll music was having on teenagers. Back then, before he was Vice President, they talked about themselves as being born again Southern Baptist Christians. However, after reading Al Gore's comments in this week's New Yorker magazine about George W. Bush's faith, it appears things have changed.

As reported by David Remnick in the article, "And yet the Bush ideology is tinged with religious belief, I said. Not everything comes with a price tag attached. Gore’s mouth tightened...he clearly had disdain for Bush’s public kind of faith. 'It’s a particular kind of religiosity,' he said. 'It’s the American version of the same fundamentalist impulse that we see in Saudi Arabia, in Kashmir...'" Read more of Remnick's article.


Remnick goes on in his article, "We passed the Southern Baptist Convention building... I asked him which church in Nashville he and Tipper attended now. There was a pause in the front seat. 'We’re ecumenical now,' Gore said, finally. Tipper said with a laugh, 'I think I follow Baba Ram Dass.' 'The influx of fundamentalist preachers have pretty much chased us out with their right-wing politics,' Gore added."

But I wonder if it was the right-wing politics, or his own politics. In his book, Earth in the Balance - Ecology and the Human Spirit, again written when he claimed the Christian faith, he wrote this: "Our religious heritage is based on a single earth goddess (Mother Gaia) who is assumed to be the fountain of all life...All men have a god within. Each man has a god within because creation is god. Nature in its fullness is god." Read more.

© Sharon Hughes 2004



Anonymous said...

I think Gore should have his head examined. And I'm so glad he didn't win 4 years ago. He's just bitter and he lives up to his sir name.

Anonymous said...

In your article"Gore Criticizes Bush's Faith", I can only speculate that you are assuming Bush is a Christian. A careful examination of the record of his acts, deeds, and claims do not support such an assumption.
Mathew 7:15-20 tells us, "Ye shall know them by their fruits", ie. their acts, deeds and what they produce. It does not tell us we shall know them by what they say or what anyone else says about them, or how they conduct themselves in public.
Dale, Phx. Az.

Anonymous said...

Nearly all of the elites are satanists. They attend Bohemian Grove where they have pagan sacrifice rites in front of a huge stone owl god Moloch. They belong to occultic death societies like skull and bones, who place their society before family, friends or country. They give lip service to Christianity when convenient to buy votes, but never take the opportunity to stop things like abortion or pampering sodomy. You cannot
do these things and be a Christian.

Anonymous said...

I read your article in news and reviews. I also question Bush's faith. You would too if you had read what Jesus said. At least 5000 children have been murdered even though Jesus said not to touch the hair on a child's head. Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction to steal another country's oil. He is backing the corporation and allowing the destruction of the environment which is God's art and gift to us. I would trust someone who says he is a pagan, but respects life before I would trust someone who claims to a Christian and destroys life. Most Christians wouldn't recognize the anti Christ if he were their president. Thanks for your time. Peace, Judy

Anonymous said...

Well Said!. I am unfamiliar with your work until I saw this on News With A View. I will tune in on line as I live in Texarkana, Texas.