Wednesday, September 08, 2004

What's Next? ODD - Oppositional Defiance Disorder

If you read my articles on Compulsory Mental Health Screening, you'll be interested to know there is more...Rhonda Robinson, reporter for Illinois Leader and my guest on Monday's show this week (you can still hear it on my broadcast archives page listen here just scroll to 9/6/04) sent me the following after the show:

"As I have researched this topic extensively I have found some disturbing trends that threaten children and families. One of the reasons this type of mental health screening is plausible to many is because of a new phenomena occurring within our society. The medication of children in order to control them. It got a foot hold with the ADHD. Now we have, among a host of other "illnesses," ODD, Oppositional Defiance Disorder (in children 5 and under) in which children are being given these psychotropic drugs not because they are mentally ill, but as chemical restraints. It has become widely used in state facilities on children, with devastating results. These drugs have very dangerous side effects, have not been approved for use in children, and have been banned in the UK. Parents are also now being coerced into using these dangerous drugs. This is an attack on childhood itself, and has become big business."

Physician and Congressman Ron Paul will offer an amendment prohibiting funding for universal mental health screening programs to Labor/Health and Human Services/Education appropriations bill, HR 5006, to be debated on the US House floor on Wednesday and Thursday, September 8th and 9th. It is urgent that you call your Member of Congress and the House leadership TODAY with your support of the Paul amendment:
Find your Member of Congress at
House Speaker Dennis Hastert: 202-225-2976
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay: 202-225-5951
House Majority Whip Roy Blunt: 202-225-6536

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© Sharon Hughes 2004


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