Friday, September 03, 2004

RNC - Day 4 Bush Making His Case

Wartime Presidents have had to face challenges other Presidents don't. And each one has had those who stood with them in the fight and those who stood against them. You have to agree, no matter which side of the fence you're on, it's gotta be tough being President, especially when the nation is under attack. History has shown only those with clear resolve see the battle through to victory. Those who waffle in resolve never win anything. Domestic issues are important, but few Americans feel they are more important than "providing for the common defense" against terrorists...especially here on our own soil. President Bush said in his convention speech, " We've fought terror across the world, not for pride, not for power, but because our people's safety is at stake." He also said, "We will build a safer America and a stronger world...and nothing will hold us back." John Kerry, at an unprecedented midnight-after-the-opposition's-convention-rally, said "Misleading our nation into war in Iraq makes you unfit..." to be President. Misleading is a strong word. It insinuates deceptive intent. The 911 Commission report, on the other hand, showed any error there may have been was on the part of Intelligence. And it appears the majority of Americans believe that. I don't know how much of the 911 Commission hearings you saw or how much of the report, now book, you've read, but that would be a better place to get the facts on this issue than from campaign rhetoric.

Movie pick for this week? "Jihad in America - Terrorists Among Us" by Reporter Steve Emerson. A PBS Documentary & Winner of the prestigious George Polk Award, showing live footage of radical Islamic cells both abroad and here in America preaching jihad and violence against Israel and America. This is a must see.
Read more on movie here.
Order a copy from Changing Worldviews here.

© Sharon Hughes 2004


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