Saturday, January 01, 2005

2005 - A Sobering Beginning

These are the Times (and Tough Questions) That Try Men's Souls

A little over three years ago Americans faced one of the biggest violations in our history - the terrorist attack of 9/11. Because of it we have a heightened empathy for the victims of the 12/26 earthquake- generated-tsunami in southern Asia. The world has committed millions of dollars of aid, with Americans pledging the greatest amount of $350 million, so far. And that's just from the government. Personal contributions are high as well, with one company giving $3 million alone. The death toll and destruction are enormous, and the right thing, the good thing, the needed, urgent thing is to give whatever we can to help.

What of the deeper needs of the soul? Organizations, churches, and missionaries are also on the scene to help the survivors process through this violation of nature, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This is the harder task. It is not the time for cliches and pat answers, any more than it was on 9/11 and following. It is the time for comfort and wisdom.

Events such as 9/11 and the current tsunami devastation are sobering, and raise the inevitable question, "why?" After the shock it is natural to ask "why?" in an effort to try to make sense of it all. Another common response is also to try to fix blame, like the woman in front of me at the Post Office yesterday who said, "There's no one to blame...but God." This conclusion usually comes from the anger we feel in these kinds of situations. But is it accurate? For many this anger turns to rejection...of God. Let me propose that this rejection comes from not knowing God's nature.

In Mel Gibson's controversial movie, "The Passion of the Christ," people either viewed God as cruel or compassionate. Those who saw God as cruel blamed Him for what man did. Those who saw Him as compassionate saw the extent He would suffer at the hand of man. Many of you are familiar with C.S. Lewis, who addressed this issue from many facets in his books. Tothesource has a very helpful article on this subject which I would like to recommend. See: "A Grief Observed"

Let me also say, that in times such as these, many people turn towards God, and those who know Him cry out to Him. Who was it that said, "There are no atheists in foxholes"? I know this is not a politcally correct article, but then who says that politics are suppose to dictate what is correct anyway? Politics don't answer the deeper questions.

© Sharon Hughes 2005

Send Comments


Anonymous said...

Please when referencing the 9/11 conspiracy, be not shameful to state that the terrorists are us. The 9/11
omission commission was a sham which has been exposed. In reality anyone with good healthy grey goo
stuffed between the ears will obviously observe the official lies. The powers above and within this Fascist.zionist theocracy had their day of sin. True patriots in the USA and around the planet are not fooled. Hopefully the day will arrive when the CORRUPT MEDIA AND JOURNALISTS will perform their responsibilities honorably without deception.

will the NEW YEAR be happy....if so enjoy

Sequim Wa

Anonymous said...

I completely DISAGREE with your rant about American $$$ and "aid" going to these countries; especially American Taxpayers dollars. Most of the countries affected by this terrible disaster are visciously anti-American. And the totalitarian govt's that run them are so corrupt
that if 1-cent of every dollar sent to them gets to those in need, I would be surprised...
R. Las Vegas

Tim said...

Excellent post, I've linked to it here. Responding to the other comments I quote the following:


Proverbs 25:21 ¶ If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;

Matthew 5:44 "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

The best weapon against a terrorism is to change terrorists into a non-terrorists through the Gospel.