Wednesday, September 21, 2005

HOT OFF THE SHOW! Real Racism - Katrina and more...

While the mainstream media reported and debated claims of racism as the reason for the poor response in the aftermath of hurricane Katrina, the Anti-Defamation League reported proof of where real racism exists concerning this tradegy - hundreds of bigoted messages on white supremacist and anti-Semitic websites.

In their article, "Bigots Gloat over Hurricane Victims; Spew Racist and Anti-Semitic Hate Online" the ADL states: "Realizing that Louisiana and Mississippi have huge non-white populations, the bigots expressed hope that the hurricane would be deadly and "cleanse" the areas hit. Employing classical anti-Semitic canards, they claimed that Jews would seek to benefit from the devastation and that Jewish control of the media skewed the reporting of the hurricane."

Here are a few of the milder quotes of white supremacists hoping that the hurricane would be deadly:
• "It almost appears to me that the hand of gods [sic] is reaching down to smite the Southern Babylon."
• "I'm of the opinion that Mother Nature would be doing everybody a favor by cleansing the inner city."
• "It would be great if all the Whites could be evacuated and they could leave the groids/muds behind but we know that won't happen. The best we can hope for is that the best architecture stands and the casualties keep the n----r funeral homes busy."
• This New Orleans Hurricane Katrina is a classic example of true opportunistic n----r behavior (maybe that's why jews like n----s to much, they are both opportunistic parasites, the n----s are just ignorant version of jews)."
Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director said, "While they may be small in number, their reach through the Internet is of great concern. Their messages of hate must be countered by the good words of good people."

Here's an example of even more far-reaching racism: Letting Africans die because of radial environmentalist white idealogues' activism. Paul Driessen, Senior Policy Advisor for the Congress of Racial Equality and former environmental policy advocate, talked with me recently about this issue on my radio show. He said what few are courageous and willing enough to talk about.

Racism must be eradicated wherever it is found!

Read Page Two
for more of the story.

© Sharon Hughes 2005

Hear today's show (See 9/21/05)


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