Thursday, May 18, 2006

HOT OFF THE SHOW! Al Gore the Global Warming Movie 'Star'

Al Gore with producer Laurie David at premiere of "An Inconvenient Truth" in Los Angeles.

Al Gore's new film on global warning, An Inconvenient Truth, in which he plays the role of himself, itinerant lecturer, has the pundits debating: "Does this mean he is gearing up to run in 2008?" Pegged as the now sweetheart of the far left of the democrat party, and given he has enough money to run without any donations (as one of Google's top guys). But what I find very interesting is that it would be the first time that not only a woman would seriously run for the Presidency, but her husband's former Vice President would be running against her!

I had to laugh at Time's sub-title to their article on the subject: "His new documentary on global warming is a great campaign ad: 'Elect me or we will all die'" and this...

"Even by Washington standards, the D.C. premiere of Al Gore's new global warming film, An Inconvenient Truth, was lit by some very low-wattage celebrities: political journalists, Congressmen, people from National Public Radio."
Think about it. Should he run against Hillary it would be fascinating to watch! And much more exciting than his film, I am confident.

Kent Shocknet weighed on the cost (in dollars and 'effect on the environment') for the 30 buses hauling 1500 students to see the movie. Funds were anonymously donated evidently. Wonder by whom?

You can see the trailer HERE...if you want.

FOX News has a special this weekend on global warming interviewing experts on the issue. I'm sure there will be many more to follow.

Oh, and did I mention that it's an 'alarming' film? That only the most radical scientists are the 'experts' and that the majority of scientists reject the film's 'story-line'?

In the meantime, you can catch my show today with Wesley J. Smith of the Discovery Institute talking about another extremist mentality, PETA and the radical animal rights movement. He brought some very provocative thoughts to the issue in regards to where we are headed in the human/animal value debate.

Hear the show (See 5/17/06)


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