My friend and Advisory Board member of Changing Worldviews, and contributing writer to our WOMANTalk website, Jennifer Lahl, is Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Bioethics & Culture Network. It is a tremendous resource of information on the latest in this important field of cloning, stem cell research, end of life issues, culture of life issues and more. If you are not already familiar with Jennifer's and the Center's work I encourage you to check it out, and sign up for their email updates. Jennifer is also co-founder of the Hands Off Our Ovaries campaign.
One of the CBC's special consultants is Wesley J. Smith a favorite of our listeners, who is an author and prolific writer. He's also a Sr. Fellow at the Discovery Institute.
The Bioethics arena is one conservatives are not engaged enough in to make a difference in the battle for preserving human life and dignity. Please join the effort to do whatever you can to win the battle.
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