With the launch of our Tuesday LIVE! show we are now on 5 days a week on KDIA AM1640 San Francisco, that's Monday thru Saturday, except for Thursday, when we have our l hr show on Rightalk.com.
Unfortunately the live streaming on KDIA's website didn't work today for some reason as we had promoted, but should be remedied for next Tuesday's LIVE! 'til Five show.
Replays of our Tuesday LIVE! shows will be available online to our partners. They will not be archived at Oneplace with our other shows.

In addition to talking about Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's refusal to put Nat'l Guard on California's borders at the President's request, and No. Korea going ballistic, we talked about the church in Memphis, TN, that spent $260,000 to erect a 72-foot-tall version of the Statue of Liberty, which holds a cross instead of a torch.
Critics complain that the 12,000 member church should have used the 2.5 million dollars it took to build the 'Statue of Liberation" for the poor and sick people of Memphis, "as Christ asked his followers to do."
Pastor Alton Williams of World Overcomers Outreach Ministries Church says they did it in hopes it will get people to think about America's Christian roots, and their relationship to God.
Will the ACLU go after them?
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