-ABC reports: President Bush's 60th Birthday: The Historic Significance of a Milestone:
On July 6, President Bush reaches a personal milestone and turns 60 years old. But the president celebrated a bit early, on Tuesday, July 4, with a small private party of family and friends at the White House. ABC reports it was a casual affair, with the president wearing a red and white short sleeved Hawaiian shirt and dining on fried chicken, cajun shrimp, biscuits, salads and a three-tier chocolate cake that included a repica White House on the cake. After dinner, the guests watched the Independence Day fireworks from the Truman balcony.
Cokie Roberts: It's really interesting. I went back to look because of President Bush's birthday and discovered that almost all our early presidents — the presidents of the founding era as we consider them — turned 60 in office. The one exception was John Adams who was 61 when he was elected. But George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe and John Quincy Adams all turned 60 in office. And of course 60 in that era was very old. The lifespan was nowhere near as long as it is now. But with the exception of Washington — who died soon after he left office — he died in 1799 age 67 — the others lived to ripe-long old ages. James Monroe died at 73. But the others lived to 90, 80, 86 — very long times, particular for the late 1830s, early 19th century.
-Out here in the Left Coast - the San Francisco Chronicle didn't miss a chance to take a few sly hits at the President on his birthday in their article:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. PRESIDENT - Bush broods a bit about age as he hits 60
-Clinton Library celebrates Bush birthday:
In Little Rock folks will be celebrating President Bush's birthday at the Clinton Presidential Library, of all places!
WLTX reports:
Visitors at the library's Cafe 42 will be able to dine on some of President Bush's favorite foods. The menu will include Mexican pizza and garlic breadsticks, a deluxe peanut butter and jellysandwich and fresh fruit, or a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich with potato salad. For dessert, pralines and creme ice cream is on the menu. Bill Clinton turns 60 on August 19th.
-A couple of gifts:
Canadian Prime Minster gave the President a belt buckle.
And Nintendo sent him a 'Brain Training' game.

Happy Birthday Mr. President!

Hear today's show on Bush Birthday and War in Iraq
on RIGHTALK (See 7/6/06)
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