Monday, November 27, 2006

HOT OFF THE SHOW! Why We Adopted

with son Johnny

We re-aired Why We Adopted on Monday's show since Tuesday's LIVE show is not archived. If you missed it I talked about November as National Adoption Month and why my husband and I adopted. Though given an annual Presidential proclamation and known to the pro-life and adoption communities, it’s hard to find press coverage on this observance. Why?

Surely there must be folks in the liberal media establishment who have adopted children and would want to promote it. Or does being pro-choice mean the adoption link to the culture of life worldview is too detrimental to the abortion agenda?

It couldn’t be because they don’t care about the 5 million children around the world who are orphaned or the 100,000 children in America who are waiting for families to adopt them, right?

As families made plans and pies and all the fixings for their Thanksgiving, wouldn’t it have been great for the media to report on the need of homes for these children? How about coverage on some of the unnecessary bureaucratic red tape that keeps prospective parents waiting and waiting to give a home to family-less children?

Listeners gave feedback that they never even knew there was such a thing as National Adoption Month. No wonder.

I am really for adoption. What about you?

Hear the show (See 11/27/06)


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