Friday, January 05, 2007

WOMANTALK FRIDAY: What's New for the New Year?

Well, in addition to resolutions galore, an American optimism for 2007, a new Congress with a new (female) Speaker of the House...

There's lots of New things coming up this year for WOMANTalk and our Team. Such as...
~Debra will be lauching a television show
~Caryl will be releasing a new film
~Wynelle will be producing 24 teen shows for TBN ~Some of our writers have new books in the making
...and lots more

~PLUS WOMANTalk has launched a new blog - WOMANTalk Meditations, for the 'thoughtful' woman.

~And WOMANTalk will have its first event this coming April which will be unique, informative and fun!

So, get ready ladies (and gentlemen)! I believe it's going to be a good and an important year.

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