Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Who was St. Patrick, Anyway?

ON MONDAY'S SHOW: William Federer, author of "St. Patrick", talked about little known information about St. Patrick. A fascinating look at the origin of this holiday and the similarities of 400 AD Ireland and England, and America in 2008. Did you know England was over-run with illegal aliens?

Here's just a few of the things he talked about:

-Rome was overrun with immigrants: Visigoths, Franks, Anglos, Saxons, Ostrogoths, Burgundians, Lombards and Vandals.

-Worldwide military conflicts strained the highly trained Roman legions.

-Rome had centuries-old government bureaucracies.

-Rome had a trade deficit, having outsourced its grain production to North Africa. When Vandals finished "vandalizing" the Roman Empire, they crossed the Strait of Gibraltar and captured the grain fields of North Africa, cutting off Rome's resources.

-Attila the Hun, called the "Scourge of God," committed terrorist attacks. -

-Exorbitant taxes were needed to fund Rome's military campaigns and welfare programs.

-The entire city of Rome was on welfare with citizens given free bread. \

-Romans distracted themselves with violent entertainment of gladiators in the Coliseum.

-There were unwanted infants, infidelity, sexual immorality continuing and homosexuality

See book "St Patrick"

Hear the show online now (See 3/17/08)


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