In his appraisal of Pres. Obama's speech at West Point last night, Chris Matthews said he went into the 'enemy camp'.
Mediaite has this:
"During last night’s analysis of President Obama’s speech at West Point, MSNBC host Chris Matthews made a stunning analogy that set the conservative blogosphere atwitter. Matthews claimed that the Commander-in-Chief of the US Military “went to maybe the enemy camp tonight to make his case.” Perhaps in response to the immediate reaction online (and an uncharacteristic calling out by Greta Van Susteren), Matthews later clarified his statement.
Matthews’ quote:
"It seems like in this case there isn’t a lot of excitement. I watched those cadets, they were young kids, men and women who are committed to serving their country professionally, it must be said, as officers, but I didn’t see much excitement. But among the older people there I saw, if not resentment, skepticism. I didn’t see a lot of warmth on that crowd out there that the president chose to address tonight. And I thought that was interesting. He went to maybe the enemy camp tonight to make his case. I mean, that’s where Paul Wolfowitz used to write speeches for, back in the old Bush days. That’s where he went to rabble rouse the whole “we’re going to democratize the world” campaign, back in ‘02. So I thought it was a strange venue."
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Unbelievable. The media loves to give the president a loser's limp every time he doesn't make a touch down!
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