It's cold for where we live! It's also cold where the UN Climate Change Conference is taking place in Copenhagen. But that didn't stop them from banning thousands of accredited non-governmental organizations (or NGOs) from the conference after several thousand conference delegates waited outside for eight hours or longer in 32-degree F weather for admission.
Why did they do that? According Amy Ridenour at the NATIONAL CENTER FOR PUBLIC POLICY RESEARCH -- "The United Nations announced today it is permanently banning thousands of accredited non-governmental organizations* from the COP-15 climate conference in Copenhagen. The restriction was announced today outside the Copenhagen conference center after several thousand accredited NGO conference delegates, including three from the National Center for Public Policy Research, waited outside for eight hours or longer in 32-degree F temperatures for admission. NGOs apparently are being banned because the United Nations accredited 45,000 people for a building with a capacity of 15,000, although the stated reason was "security concerns." The "security concerns" may be related to the fact that, after waiting several hours in the cold, delegations began to chant, "Let us in! Let us in!"
And that's not all - Marc Morano, our inside Washington Correspondent, with CFACT, and chief editor for ClimateDepot reported yesterday that even with Climategate - the biggest science-scam in all history - the exposure of top scientists cooking the books about global warming research data, ie falsifying data to 'prove' global warming is man-made, heads of state such as Tony Blair, the former Primer Minister of Britain suggested at the conference that "The world must take action on climate change at Copenhagen even if the science is not correct." Yep, that's right.
And there's more. Which is our topic for today's show.
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