Wednesday, August 29, 2007

HOT OFF THE SHOW! Part 1 - Good News out of Iraq

What haven't you heard about the following good news that has taken place in Iraq? Because the MSM (mainstream media) doesn't, or won't, report it!

Tragically, the lack of reporting the positive things that are happening serves two purposes: #1 to undermine the world's perception of the United States, thus minimizing support, and #2 to discourage American citizens.

There's so much progress that goes on in Iraq day in and day out thanks to the efforts of our troops. Things that did not exist under Saddem Hussein -- like freedom.So help pass this good news on to others and tell them what the MSM won't:

Did you know that 47 countries have reestablished their embassies in Iraq?

Did you know that the Iraqi government now employs 1.2 million Iraqi people?

Did you know that 3,100 schools have been renovated, 364 more are under way, and 263 new schools are now under construction -- 38 new schools have already been completed in Iraq?

Did you know that Iraq's higher educational structure consists of 20 universities, 46 institutes or colleges and 4 research centers, all currently operating?

Did you know that the Iraqi navy is operational? They have 5 - 100-foot patrol craft, 34 smaller vessels and a naval infantry regiment.

Did you know that Iraq's Air Force consists of three operational squadrons, which includes 9 reconnaissance and 3 US C-130 transport aircraft (under Iraqi operational control) which operate day and night, and will soon add 16 UH-1 helicopters and 4 Bell Jet Rangers?

Did you know that Iraq has a counter-terrorist unit and a Commando Battalion?

Did you know that the Iraqi Police Service has over 55,000 fully trained and equipped police officers?

And that there are 5 Police Academies in Iraq that produce over 3500 new officers each 8 weeks?

Did you know there are more than 1,100 building projects going on in Iraq? They include in addition to the 364 schools, 67 public clinics, 15 hospitals, 83 railroad stations, 22 oil facilities, 93 water facilities and 69 electrical facilities.

Did you know that 96% of Iraqi children under the age of 5 have received the first 2 series of polio vaccinations?

Did you know that 4.3 million Iraqi children were enrolled in primary school by mid October?

Did you know that there are 1,192,000 cell phone subscribers in Iraq and phone use has gone up 158%?

Did you know that Iraq has an independent media that consists of 75 radio stations, 180 newspapers and 10 television stations?

Tragically, the lack of accentuating the positive in Iraq serves two purposes: to undermine the world's perception of the United States, thus minimizing support, and to discourage American citizens.

So pass this on and bypass the MSM.

**The above facts are verifiable on the Department of Defense web site:


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